Mon 03 Mar
Sexy PornStar Vixen Angelina 😈🥳❤️
(Orlando in and out)
Sat 22 Feb
Alma fox Massage Latina caliente
(Orlando, US)
Sun 26 Jan
Gorgeous Linda Visiting Orlando. Nuru ANd Tantra. Kissing Lessons.. Royal treatment .. Real photos. - 29
(Orlando, Orlando and Kissimmee In/Out call)
SENSUAL TANTRIC MASSAGE - Soothing Healing Transforming! - 42
(Orlando, Space Coast)
Sensual ~ Blissful ~ TANTRIC MASSAGE ~ A Truly Unique Experience! - 42
(Orlando, Space Coast)
*SACRED* EROTIC* TOUCH with Lady V in Orlando - 45
(Orlando, Kissimmee)
Sexy * Busty * Sweetheart * ((FeeLinG KnoTTy??)) Sensual Full BodyRub Sure To Leave You Tension Free - 32
(Orlando, Universal Blvd & I-Drive (INCALLS))
SENSUAL TANTRIC MASSAGE ~ Find Your Bliss in the Arms of a Mature, Caring Goddess! - 42
(Orlando, Space Coast)
Sensual and Erotic Body Rub Experience - 46
(Orlando, Kissimmee near Old Town)
*!SeDuCtIvE NuRu 407-476-4959 Warm Sensual Body Rubs! Outcll Select Inc 12pm/4pm - 29
(Orlando, IDrive,Windermere,Clermont,Lk.MaryDisney)
Randi's Risque Rescue Rub - 41
(Orlando, I-Drive)
Sexy ☆ Busty ♡ Sweetheart ☆ ((FeeLinG KnoTTy??)) Sensual Full BodyRub Sure To Leave You Tension Free - 26
(Orlando, International Dr & Universal Bl)
*SACRED* EROTIC* TOUCH with Lady V * Available TUES 11/29 @ 4pm, WED 11/30 @ 12pm - 45
(Orlando, Kissimmee)
REAL PICS~ MZ .BRANDY~ Let~ Me ~Relax~` You - 24
(orlando fl)
one of orlando finest star here for you 321 442 4580 - 25
(Orlando, orlando, lakeland, tampa)
SENSATIONAL Pleasure EROTIC BODYWORK by Sexy Slim Beauty w/Amazing STIMULATING Touch~FULL Hour/Body - 29
(Orlando, ORLANDO & Vicinity until 8/20)
*!SeDuCtIvE NuRu 407-476-4959 Warm Sensual Body Rubs Outclls!! - 30
(Orlando, IDrive,Windermere,Clermont,Lk.MaryDisney)
*SACRED* EROTIC* TOUCH with Lady V * Available MON 11/14, TUES 11/15 (until 4pm), WED 11/16 - 45
(Orlando, Kissimmee)
°oஐo° YUMMY HUMN LUSTY BUSTY Bold Nudist Tantra Goddess °oஐo° - 33
(✈ IN/OUT 1*866*969*9662*)
MZ BRANDY Let ~ ME~ Rub~ You ~ Down - 24
MZ BRANDY ~ ThE~ BeSt~ In ~ToWn~ CoMe~ To~ Me - 24
MZ BRANDY ~CLAssY~ and~ SAssY ~ RuB ~DoWn - 24
MZ BRANDY ~~BoDy RuBs YoU WoNt ForGeT - 24
Mz Brandy Let ~ ME~ Rub~ You~ Down - 24
😍🏈Let's Play Dr.(407) 603_6484 NURU Slippery & Warm within minutes 2U! Body Glide Outcall CC Acpt - 31
(Idrive, Orlando SeaWorld Lake BuenaVista, Orlando)
LaSt CaLl fOr ALcoHOl! ComE get your sip of Merlot,ThE AMaZoniAn NUDIST! This weekend ONLY! - 23
(Orlando, Convention Center)
MZ BRANDY ~ Let Me TaKe CaRe Of YoU!~!! - 24
MZ BRANDY ~ CoMe~ To ~My ~PlAcE - 24
INtoXiCaTiNg BODY RUBS!! All NUDE Ebony GoDDEss AT YoUr SeRvIcE! PLeaSurE is MY PaSSiOn!!! - 22
(Orlando, Conroy)
🌟🌋Invest @(407)603-6484 Slippery NURU🌴 Dr Victoria🌻🌴Outcll only Mins Away - 32
(International Dr.Sea WorldLake B GayLord, Orlando)
Sun 12 Jan
The Madison Experience ~* Exotic & Erotic Ebony with Class for Complete Tranquility*~ - 22
(Your Place, Orlando - OUTCALL ONLY)
SACRED INTIMACY TANTRA COACH Currently Accepting Seekers *Available Sat. 5/19 - 37
(Orlando, Orlando/Kissimmee)
LAST Call for 2010 ⎷ YUMMY HUMN LUSTY BUSTY Bold Nudist Tantra Goddess ⎷ - 33
(✈ IN/OUT 1*866*969*9662*)
I'll mEeT YoU at thE dOOr with ***NOTHING*** oN! Just LEGS, LIPS, HIPS, NIPS, BOOBS AND THIGHS! - 25
(Orlando, Kissimmee, Incall, outcall to your hotel)
1) ((TABOO TUESDAY)) See Amazing Star tonight add 2 more hands and get a free show. - 27
(Orlando, Altamonte Springs)
Sat 11 Jan
TANTRIC MASSAGE - Sensual Blissful Relaxation Experience
(Cocoa / Rockledge)
*****Miss Barbie For You****20 - 20
MZ BRANDY ~ RuB You ~ You RuB~ Me - 24
MZ BRANDY CoMe~To~ My~ SpOt~ In~ HeAvEn - 24
Let's Play Dr. (260) 338*8873 Warm Slippery NURU within minutes 2U! Body Glide Outcall CC Acpted - 31
(Idrive, Orlando SeaWorld Lake Mary, Orlando)
1) Amazing Star tonight one on one or add 2 more hands and get a ^FREE SHOW^ - 27
(Orlando, Altamonte Springs)
1) SATURDAY special with Amazing Star 2 hands 60.00, 4 hands 120.00 - 27
(Orlando, Altamonte Springs)
TANTRIC MASSAGE - Blissful Relaxation Experience
(Cocoa / Rockledge)
*!SeDuCtIvE NuRu 407-476-4959 Warm Sensual Body Rubs! Outclls CC accepted - 29
(Orlando, INTERNATIONAL DRIVEClermont,LkMaryDisney)
Fri 10 Jan
Ignite Your Dynamic Masculine Power With Visting Tantrika
(Orlando, Clermont, Florida)
🏈🍸🌋Invest @(407)603-6484 Slippery NURU🌴 Dr Victoria🌻🌴Outcll only Mins Away - 33
(International Dr.Sea WorldLake B GayLord, Orlando)
BRANDY ~ ThE ~SwEeTeSt~ RuB~ DoWn~ - 24
CaLL~ BRANDY ~ OpEn ~TiLL~ 9 PM ~ CoMe AND ReLaX - 24
MZ BRANDY New ~PICS~ JULY 4TH ~ Massage - 24
(orlando fl)
ITS MZ BRANDY ThE ~ BeSt ~MaSsAgE~ In~ ToWn - 24
😍🏈Let's Play Dr.(407) 603-6484 B2B NURU Slippery Xx Cc🌋☔Outcall - 33
(Idrive, Disney SeaWorld Lake BuenaVista, Orlando)
Tantra Touch - An Erotic Journey into Self - 47
(Orlando, Kissimmee/Orlando)
TANTRIC MASSAGE - Ultimate Blissful Relaxation Experience
(Cocoa / Rockledge)
Sweet Like CANDY!! Wanna Taste? - 24
Jessica Has Returned With The World's Greatest Body Rub Adventure!! - 48
(Orlando, Off I-4 at S. Orange Blossom Trail)
Hottest Body Rub in Orlando - 20
(Orlando, Kissimmee)
Thu 09 Jan
CALL MZ BRANDY Let ~ Me~ Rub ~You ~ Down - 24
((Awesome Body Rubs )) ♥ 6O.OOHALF - 12OHOUR ♥ (( INCALL & OUTCALL )) 5O3.891.9147 - 26
(Orlando, orlando airport outcall 2)
Beautiful TANTRIC INTIMACY Healer/massage in Orlando August 16 for 1/1 Tantric SENSUAL session - 38
MZ BRANDY ~ThAnK~ GoodNeSs ~ItS ~FrIdAY - 24
❤ Lola ❤ Latin ❤ Erotic ❤ B2B ❤ Highly reviewed ❤ Call NOW ❤ - 22
(Orlando, kirkman&vineland;)
(Convention Center Area)
**100 SPECIALS** I'll mEeT U @ thE dOOr w ***NOTHING*** oN! Just LEGS, HIPS, NIPS, BooBS & THIGHS! - 25
(Orlando, Kissimmee, 4 Corners, Clermont, outcall)
Unleash Dynamic Masculine Power With Visting Tantrika Until Oct.5th
(Orlando, Clermont, Florida)
Tantra Touch - An Erotic Journey into Self - 47
Tantra Touch - An Erotic Journey into Self
Wed 08 Jan
Black Diamond 321*594*3108 - 23
Body Rubs Forever! - 29
(Orlando, Convention Center)
Beautiful TANTRIC Healer& therapist in Orlando JULY 2& 3rd for 1/1 Tantric SENSUAL session - 38
~^~Learning is SEXY! Lady V visiting Orlando 10/11/10 - 10/15/10~^~ - 45
(Orlando Convention Center)
Miss Barbie For You!!!! - 20
1) Amazing Star is offering something special tonight (SAT NIGHT) - 27
(Orlando, Altamonte Springs)
Titilating Thursday ~ Body 2 Body Rub - 30
(Orlando, Casselberry)
The Best In Body Rubs - 35
(Orlando, Winter Park)
Sugar * Spice & SINfully * Nice - 29
(Orlando, casselberry)
Randi's Risque Rescue Rub - 42
(Orlando, Kissimmee)
Madison & Simone Exotic Ebony Experience Enticing Sessions - 22
(Your Place, Orlando)
2) U will never forget R"assisted bodyglide" free with a 4 or more handed rub - 28
(Orlando, Altamonte Springs)
Tue 07 Jan
🆕💋Boobs, Beauty, & Brains: A Lethal Combination!💋 ✔️ Highly Reviewed - 33
(Orlando, South Downtown)
body rubbz - 23
(international dr.)
~ Lush ~ Decadent ~ Sensual ~ Indulgent ~ Blissful ~ Fun! ~ - 42
(Orlando, Space Coast - Rockledge)
MissBarbie Back For You - 20
The Madison Experience Presents Simone ~* Exotic & Erotic Ebony W/ Class for Complete Tranquility*~ - 21
(Your Place, Orlando - OUTCALL ONLY)
Sweet Like CANDY!! Wanna Taste? - 25
Mon 06 Jan
TANTRIC MASSAGE - Sublimely Blissful Sensual Relaxation!
(Cocoa / Rockledge)