- City : Orlando
- Poster's age : 26
- Address : Orlando, Clermont, Florida
Ignite Your Dynamic Masculine Power With Visting Tantrika
Posted : Friday, January 10, 2025 02:38 PM | 11 views
ATTENTION Would Be Romantic/Dynamic Warriors!! It would be a shame, possibly a Crime(Lol:)if you don't take full advantage of my upcoming visit to Orlando from Sept.23 to Oct.5th. In Del Ray Beach from Oct.1st to the 3rd!! If you are coachable and sincerely seek a visit than call or email with info about yourself.Prebookings get Rewarded!! Most likely I will only have access to my Android cell for checking email and always quicker to call..
Welcome To A Journey Into the Heart of Your Romantic Warrior Nature! with an Engaging Goddess, Doctor of Divinity, and Tantric Shaman.. Tantra dates back over 6,000 years to Ancient India and perhaps longer to Egyptian Alchemists, where societies practicing Alchemy lived in harmony, peace and profound trust between male/female, thus developing loving kindness, erotic awareness, and total presence. Tantra is a living art form, a vehicle for our own enlightenment,opening gateways within for profound Wisdom and blissful Union with the feminine on much deeper levels than one could ever imagine experiencing! Are you feeling the sting of Malnourishment of your Intimate life?
Centuries ago, humans not only understood but lived in harmony from the premise that all of life on Mother Earth vibrates with a primordial energy that can never be controlled and should never,ever be repressed or wasted.. Instead, in Tantra Alchemy Teachings, this energy is cultivated within,refined,elevated upward, and ultimately transcended for the benefit of all .
Imagine, for a moment, how your life would have played out had you been initiated as a young boy in the Sacred Art of Tantra by a Loving Tantrika and Goddess in becoming a Romantic Warrior, deliberately melting your armor and getting in touch with a deeper authentic part of your true Romantic Masculine and unlimited potential.
With me as your Goddess guiding you Each time you adapt to change in yourself and in life,your Instinctual nature is triggered and as you identify and fine tune this Instinctual nature, your Romantic Warrior will kick in, being more sensually aware,alert,sharper,wiser, and deeply in touch with your primal energy. If you want to take the first step in waking up to your evolved Romantic Masculine Birthright than call me immediately.
Testimonial of 08-01-11::I cannot thank you enough for the profound gift you have given me! In spite of falling asleep after 2:00 this morning, and waking at 7:00, I woke energized and feeling vigorous; like my energy, which has been lying dormant, is being awakened! Ive starting exploring my what ifs? and they are plentiful, delightful, and exciting! I feel wonderful! Thank you my dear goddess, for opening the door to this serendipitous joy! C.M., a quadriplegic for over 30 years.
Welcome to the Tantric World of a mature, compassionate and open Tantrika, that embodies the wisdom, and sensual energy of Aphrodite, Goddess Of Love and Nurturing. I faithfully practice Tantra as I treat my body as the Sacred temple that it is,which houses my Glorious soul.. I am slim and fit but still curvy in the right places..LOL:) and Im more than qualified to assist you in opening to your highest and most authentic Masculine Powerful Potential!
"The dream was always running ahead of me.To catch up, to live for a moment in unison with it, that was the miracle.~ Anais Nin
Come in, remove your shoes, let down your guard, suspend your beliefs, your expectations and conditions of what this may or may not be..Drop them all at the door before entering the Sacred Temple of the Feminine.Let me lull you into utter tranquility with my serene voice, sensual touch and visual delight,as celestial music plays in the background,while you drop the chatter of your mind, feeling a renewal of your body's energies,nurtured/nourished in the depth of your soul and opening to a place of exquisite joy,vitality and alertness that most have forgotten and few have attained.
Preferred Email to respond with your name, age and what you want to address at dagnymuse@gmail.com">dagnymuse@gmail.com.. I respond to UNBLOCKED NUMBERS. Please keep in mind that i only respond to TEXT after initially talking! Cell is 949 201 7337. Visit my site at www.immortaltantrika.com .
For respectful,discriminating persons who clearly resonate and are inspired with what I have written. What I offer is truly an Investment/Gift in your most precious time and valuable self. Expression of Appreciation for 90 min. is 350, 120 min. is 450, 3 hours is 550 but nothing is written in stone. Hypnosis Eros sessions/Past life regression start at $200.
Longer experiences up to one day or weekend getaways can be arranged for the Devoted Connoisseur of physical and Spiritual Enlightenment and a higher/Nobler Expression of your Erotic nature. If you are truly sincere in experiencing your own Sensual Power and Reawakening your Divine Masculine than I look forward to our connecting soon and discussing drawbacks,if any, that could prevent you from experiencing this!!
Attention Sincere Couples: I am available to design an Exquisite Sacred Experience, to heal together thru letting go as a means to self growth and sensual discovery.
Rev.Dr.Dagny CH.t,D.D, Tantric Shaman,Sensual Health Mentor, Doctor of Divinity, ULC Minister and Clinical Hypnotherapist,(Specializing in Past Life Eros Regression ) Avid Eros Researcher, Completed Levels 1-3 of Ipsalu Tantra raleigh backpage,orange county ts escort,real asian spa does prostate massage,asian massage parlor review,asian erotic massages,escort fiv,fbsm orlando rub,5389 kirkman rd #204 orlando, florida 32811,tsescorts orange county,orlando nuru massage