Sat 22 Feb
Alicia Sexy little thing❤️
(Memphis, US)
Mon 27 Jan
$$ Stunning Model Busty 34 DD $$ SMOKING**Hot !$$ - 29
(Memphis, 'Tunica& Ark. Surr. Areas.)
Lady Luscious the Best in the city limited edition... - 24
(Memphis, Memphis tn)
JENNA $ Sexy Blonde from" Hot- lanta" ! - 27
(Memphis/ Tunica)
$$$ I will Do ' What Yo Wiffie' will never Do !!! Give it a TRY $$$ - 21
(Memphis, 'Tunica& Ark. Surr. Areas.)
$Brunette hottie ' Let me Rock" Your body $ - 25
(Memphis, Memphis'Tunica& Ark;Surr Areas)
-:¦:- BeAuTiFuL, FLeXiBlE, ReVieWeD, && ReAdY Miss CrYsTaL *sPeCiAlS* -:¦:- - 20
$$$$$$ an sweet $$$$$$ - 24
♥Sexy Black Diamond Ready To Please You...80$ SPECIAL♥ - 21
(Memphis, Memphis,TN)
°&°¤ (NeW ED!T!oN) ViSiTiNG!!! (THE BEST) SuPeR = ExTREME =((CaLi BLoNDe)) - 21
(Memphis'Tunica& Ark;Surr Areas)
$30-40 dollar all exclusive specials all day an nite - 24
(Memphis, american way)
$$Hot & Sexy Busty Blonde **Specials !$$ - 29
(Memphis, 'Tunica& Ark. Surr. Areas.)
Mon 13 Jan
VerY OpenMinded -( BrAnD new ) Come GeT Me BoYs {OUTCALLS ONLY) PLaTiNuM BaRbie - Amazing Body - 21
(Memphis'Tunica& Ark;Surr Areas)
Sun 12 Jan
°&°¤ (NeW ED!T!oN) ViSiTiNG!!! (THE BEST) SuPeR = ExTREME =((CaLi BLoNDe)) - 21
(Memphis'Tunica& Ark;Surr Areas)
$30-40 dollar all exclusive specials all day an nite - 24
(Memphis, american way)
Angel Eyez 901-330-8423 😇😇😇😇 - 26
Sat 11 Jan
VerY OpenMinded -( BrAnD new ) Come GeT Me BoYs {OUTCALLS) Burnett BaRbie - Amazing Body - 26
(Memphis, Memphis'Tunica& Ark;Surr Areas)
✯ CuTe SwEEt BrUnEttE ✯ PeRfEct :DD ✯ PLayMatE ((ViSitIiNg 4 a LiMiTeD TiMe!)) - 28
(Memphis, Call 4 More INFO East Memphis In*Out)
-:¦:- BeAuTiFuL, FLeXiBlE, ReVieWeD, && ReAdY Miss CrYsTaL *sPeCiAlS* -:¦:- - 20
♥Sexy Black Diamond Ready To Please You...80$ SPECIAL♥ - 21
(Memphis, Memphis,TN)
JENNA $ Sexy Blonde from" Hot- lanta" ! DOM *** SUBMIT - 27
(Memphis/ Tunica)
$Brunette hottie ' Let me Rock" Your body $ - 25
(Memphis, Memphis'Tunica& Ark;Surr Areas)
Fri 10 Jan
SATISFACTION is my #1 Priority : Every MAN'S Fetish FANTASY! 5 mnths Up the DUFF UnReSiStAbLe BOOBS - 23
(Nashville, 2 min from downtown)
$ Call me if U need Me ; I'm always ready $ - 25
(Memphis, Memphis'Tunica& Ark;Surr Areas)
NeW PlAtNiUm CaLiFoRnIa BlOnDe - 21
(Memphis'Tunica& Ark;Surr Areas)
$ Call me if U need Me ; I'm always ready $ - 25
(Memphis, Memphis'Tunica& Ark;Surr Areas)
Angel Eyez 901-330-8423 😇😇😇😇 - 26
(385, Memphis)
Thu 09 Jan
Thirty mins... Sixty mins... Your experience .... Priceless !!! - 23
(Memphis, JACKSON, TN my place or your)
Thirty mins... Sixty mins... Your experience .... Priceless !!! - 23
(Memphis, JACKSON, TN my place or your)
Sexy Lexy 😜💯✔️ - 28
(Hickory hill, Memphis)
$$ Sexy Blonde *... What's Missing.. YOU !$$ - 27
(Memphis, 'Tunica& Ark. Surr. Areas.)
$ $New just For U $$ - 19
(Memphis, 'Tunica& Ark. Surr. Areas.)
-:¦:- sTuNNiNg, sKiLLeD, ReVieWeD, && ReAdY Miss CrYsTaL *sPeCiAlS* -:¦:- - 20
$$ Stunning Model Busty 34 DD $$ SMOKING**Hot !$$ - 29
(Memphis, 'Tunica& Ark. Surr. Areas.)
Midwest, big-booty, blonde BBW, angelic looks, a naughty mind & wicked skills! See you Spring 2010! - 25
(Returning Spring 2010)
Wed 08 Jan
-:¦:- i'M iN ThE NuDe && iN ThE FrEaKy Mo0D...100% Go0D -:¦:- - 20
$$$ I will Do ' What Yo Wiffie' will never Do !!! Give it a TRY $$$ - 21
(Memphis, 'Tunica& Ark. Surr. Areas.)
$ $New just For U $$ - 19
(Memphis, 'Tunica& Ark. Surr. Areas.)
NeW PlAtNiUm CaLiFoRnIa BlOnDe - 21
(Memphis'Tunica& Ark;Surr Areas)
Suzy 2 Qute the Best in the city limited edition.. - 24
(Memphis, Memphis tn)
Suzy 2 Qute the Best in the city limited edition.. - 24
(Memphis, Memphis tn)
Tue 07 Jan
✯ CuTe SwEEt BrUnEttE ✯ PeRfEct :DD ✯ PLayMatE ((ViSitIiNg 4 a LiMiTeD TiMe!)) - 28
(Memphis, Call 4 More INFO East Memphis In*Out)
Angel Eyez 901-330-8423 😇😇😇😇 - 26
Mon 06 Jan
$$Hot & Sexy Busty Blonde **Specials !$$ - 29
(Memphis, 'Tunica& Ark. Surr. Areas.)
JENNA $ Sexy Blonde from" Hot- lanta" ! - 27
(Memphis/ Tunica)
-:¦:- i'M iN ThE NuDe && iN ThE FrEaKy Mo0D...100% Go0D -:¦:- - 20
Sun 05 Jan
Nuru, Creativity and Fetishes in - Tunica MS July 9th - 37
(Memphis, Tunica MS this July 9th)
Lady Luscious the Best in the city limited edition... - 24
(Memphis, Memphis tn)
$$$$$$ an sweet $$$$$$ - 24
Sat 04 Jan
VerY OpenMinded -( BrAnD new ) Come GeT Me BoYs {OUTCALLS) Burnett BaRbie - Amazing Body - 26
(Memphis, Memphis'Tunica& Ark;Surr Areas)
Sexy Lexy 😜💯✔️ - 28
(Hickory hill, Memphis)
Angel Eyez 901-330-8423 😇😇😇😇 - 26
(385, Memphis)
JENNA $ Sexy Blonde from" Hot- lanta" ! DOM *** SUBMIT - 27
(Memphis/ Tunica)
$$ Sexy Blonde *... What's Missing.. YOU !$$ - 27
(Memphis, 'Tunica& Ark. Surr. Areas.)
Fri 03 Jan
Nuru, Creativity and Fetishes in - Tunica MS July 9th - 37
(Memphis, Tunica MS this July 9th)
VerY OpenMinded -( BrAnD new ) Come GeT Me BoYs {OUTCALLS ONLY) PLaTiNuM BaRbie - Amazing Body - 21
(Memphis'Tunica& Ark;Surr Areas)
Midwest, big-booty, blonde BBW, angelic looks, a naughty mind & wicked skills! See you Spring 2010! - 25
(Returning Spring 2010)
-:¦:- sTuNNiNg, sKiLLeD, ReVieWeD, && ReAdY Miss CrYsTaL *sPeCiAlS* -:¦:- - 20
Thu 02 Jan
SATISFACTION is my #1 Priority : Every MAN'S Fetish FANTASY! 5 mnths Up the DUFF UnReSiStAbLe BOOBS - 23
(Nashville, 2 min from downtown)